Recut Platform

Get everything you need to succeed online. Our all-in-one platform offers URL Shortening, QR code generation, professional bio pages, and secure file hosting.

URL Shortener

Shorten your url at a single click and customize your urls by adding Targeting Pixels, Parameters and many more tools.

Popular URL Shortening Features

Link in Bio

Convert your followers by creating beautiful pages that group all of your important links on the single page.

Popular QR Code Features

QR Codes

Easy to use, dynamic and customizable QR codes for your marketing campaigns.

Popular URL Shortening Features

File Hosting

Securely upload and share files with ease. Track downloads and page views for insightful analytics. Perfect for sharing with colleagues, friends, and family. Get started with our user-friendly file sharing platform today!


Popular URL Shortening Features

Take control of your links

You are one click away from taking control of all of your links, and instantly get better results.


Recut: The Free URL Shortener you need. Create branded short links, QR codes, and bio pages with advanced tracking. All for free. Try it now!


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